Sunday, January 17, 2010

Counting Colors

Counting Colors by Roger Priddy

If you're ever looking for a gift to give to someone under 1, this is it.  Counting Colors:  Search for the hidden objects and learn your colors and numbers (or Seek & Find in the newer version) is a book that your child can grow with.  They say it's for ages 2 and up  -- but I think it's a great book for babies as well.  I have a 9-month old who loves it.

Each two-page spread is dedicated to one color, and there is absolutely no question at all what the color is.  The text, which is written in the border around the pages, challenges children to find different objects scattered along the pages.  (For example, 1 squawking parrot, 2 roses, 3 airplanes)  Then against a white background are amazingly vivid photos of hearts, tomatoes, shoes, ladybugs, etc of all sizes.  Look at the cover above -- wow!

So you can use the book multiple ways:
1)  teach colors
2)  name objects
3)  teach numbers and counting
4)  search-n-find

A winner, all the way around.  This is published by Priddy Books, and I haven't seen a book by them that I don't like!  They are aces for their clear, colorful photos. 

Other great Priddy Books (my daughters love these):

Other great books that teach colors:

Learn More:
  • Smart Snacks Rainbow Color Cones:  This is the most awesome toy!  We bought it when my oldest daughter was 2.  It's basically an ice cream cone with removable scoops of ice cream that can be attached to it.  For example:  (Mom) Please may I have a vanilla / chocolate / strawberry triple-scooper?  (Daughter) Coming right up!  And she hands me the cone with a scoop of white, brown, and pink ice cream on it.  Teach colors and their corresponding flavors.  It's still a favorite toy and she's almost 5 years old now.   
  • Uno:  Remember playing this game as a kid?  It's perfect for teaching both colors and numbers.  We play this regularly at my house.  While my daughter still needs to learn how to hold a deck of cards... she also needs to learn how to not be a sore loser.   Fun for the whole family -- you can even get big brother/sister to play!

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