Wednesday, April 21, 2010


It's spring!  Rain is falling in Southern California (shocker!!) and flowers are blooming everywhere!  It's the perfect time to read some picture books about flowers as we all start working on those gardens!!

Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert:  I am a huge fan of this bright, bold, colorful book.  We follow plants from their start as bulbs or seeds, add water and sun, and watch as the rainbow garden grows. The plants are labeled throughout the book, and even though they're drawn abstractly, my daughter was still able to properly identify some of the same flowers in our neighborhood based on this book.  And how cool is that -- planting flowers in a garden so that when they bloom, they're in the order of a rainbow -- red orange yellow green blue purple!  My gal's favorite color is blue, and so her favorite page of the book shows all blue flowers:  morning glories, delphinium, hyacinth and cornflowers.  Love it!  We want to plant a rainbow garden of our own!

Alison's Zinnia by Anita Lobel:  The flowers are so beautifully drawn in the book, that even though it's an alphabet book (with a flower for each letter of the alphabet), that's not where the eye is drawn to.  It's on the realistic illustrations.  My daughter liked comparing the flowers in this book to those in Planting a Rainbow (above) as she learned about the difference between realistic and abstract styles of art.

Wildflower ABC:  An Alphabet of Potato Prints by Diana Pomeroy:  This is another alphabet book with a flower for each letter -- but it's different for several reasons.  First, it's about wildflowers, not your typical garden flowers.  (For example, the other two books above have daffodils in them -- this has a dandelion for "D".)  Also,  the method the author used -- potato prints -- is different from the normal style of illustrating books.  This was an art form that I needed/wanted to learn more about (see the links below).  And as they're wildflowers, during the drought we're experiencing in Southern California, it's nice to see more natural, water-conserving plants highlighted.

Learn More:
  • KidsGardening!:  Not sure how to start a garden with your kids?  What are cool plants to grow?  And how do you keep them interested once the planting is done?  There are tons of recommendations in their Family Room.  Want to start a garden with your class?  Need to find a grant to get one going?  Check out the Teachers' Resource Room. 
  • Try making some potato prints yourself!  For basic ones, try this one at World Book or this one at Family Education.   For getting fancy and trying something more advanced, check out how to make Shaded Potato Prints, which also has a brief interview with Diana Pomeroy on how she makes her prints for her books.
  • Wildflower Coloring Pages:  The US Forest Service provides AMAZING pictures to color.  They have color-by-numbers, coloring books, even noxious weeds!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bear with me...

Life is getting really crazy right now!  When I finally get time to sit down and blog... I'm just too darn tired to do it!  Things promise to get better towards the end of March -- by the beginning of April I should be up and blogging regularly.  Thanks for your patience, and please check back in April for more regular book reviews!!  -- Stacy

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Homeschool Liberation League

The Homeschool Liberation League by Lucy Frank

Do NOT judge this book by the cover.  Literally.  The cover does not do this book justice at all.  It gives it the appearance of being some chic-lit book.  And while, granted, it does involve a little teenage romance, that is not the focus of the book.  The cover sells it short.  And now...

I could not put down The Homeschool Liberation League.  I did not expect this book to be the page-turner that it is -- and I am not it's intended audience of a middle-school reader.  In a nutshell, an eighth-grade girl, Katya, finds that after attending a summer science camp, she can no longer bear going to middle school.  Pretending to be someone she's not so she fits in, memorizing things for tests and then forgetting them, and wasting hours doing something at school that she could complete at home herself more efficiently all fuel this decision.  Oh, and Katya wants to dump her boyfriend as well.  And so the first day of school, she gets off the bus... and turns around to walk home.

Katya's parents are school-people -- as are most Americans -- unaware of what options are out there besides public school and how to learn outside of that institution.  They give her a month to try homeschooling, not sure they're doing the right thing for their daughter.  Katya wants to unschool, but her parents download worksheets and have her help in her mother's beauty salon instead.  Nobody is happy with the way things are going.

Along the way Katya meets Milo, a homeschooler who wants to attend school, and she befriends Francesca, a popular student at school also pretending to be someone she's not.  They form the Homeschool Liberation League, as they help each other to achieve their schooling-style goals.

Homeschooling, unschooling, online curriculum, charter schools -- all sorts of options to education outside of the traditional school are presented.  I also appreciated that the homeschoolers were not former hippies or doing it for religious reasons of some sort, as are frequently portrayed in fiction about homeschooling.  These are everyday people -- possibly your next door neighbors.

Learn More:

Books about homeschooling
Websites about homeschooling
  • Learn in Freedom!  Education Reform, Home-Schooling Resources.  To quote:  "This site is about learning in freedom, taking responsibility for your own learning. It shows you how to use your own initiative in learning, so you can use schools and teachers just when they are helpful to you, and voluntarily chosen by you."   This has a very comprehensive list of websites to check out!
  • I'm a member of the California Homeschool Network.  They've got a conference every year that is very helpful.   Check out The Home School Mom to find resources in your state.  Or visit Yahoo Groups.  Homeschoolers have a very active social life!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Counting Colors

Counting Colors by Roger Priddy

If you're ever looking for a gift to give to someone under 1, this is it.  Counting Colors:  Search for the hidden objects and learn your colors and numbers (or Seek & Find in the newer version) is a book that your child can grow with.  They say it's for ages 2 and up  -- but I think it's a great book for babies as well.  I have a 9-month old who loves it.

Each two-page spread is dedicated to one color, and there is absolutely no question at all what the color is.  The text, which is written in the border around the pages, challenges children to find different objects scattered along the pages.  (For example, 1 squawking parrot, 2 roses, 3 airplanes)  Then against a white background are amazingly vivid photos of hearts, tomatoes, shoes, ladybugs, etc of all sizes.  Look at the cover above -- wow!

So you can use the book multiple ways:
1)  teach colors
2)  name objects
3)  teach numbers and counting
4)  search-n-find

A winner, all the way around.  This is published by Priddy Books, and I haven't seen a book by them that I don't like!  They are aces for their clear, colorful photos. 

Other great Priddy Books (my daughters love these):

Other great books that teach colors:

Learn More:
  • Smart Snacks Rainbow Color Cones:  This is the most awesome toy!  We bought it when my oldest daughter was 2.  It's basically an ice cream cone with removable scoops of ice cream that can be attached to it.  For example:  (Mom) Please may I have a vanilla / chocolate / strawberry triple-scooper?  (Daughter) Coming right up!  And she hands me the cone with a scoop of white, brown, and pink ice cream on it.  Teach colors and their corresponding flavors.  It's still a favorite toy and she's almost 5 years old now.   
  • Uno:  Remember playing this game as a kid?  It's perfect for teaching both colors and numbers.  We play this regularly at my house.  While my daughter still needs to learn how to hold a deck of cards... she also needs to learn how to not be a sore loser.   Fun for the whole family -- you can even get big brother/sister to play!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tumtum & Nutmeg

Tumtum & Nutmeg:  Adventures Beyond Nutmouse Hall by Emily Bearn, illustrated by Nick Price

My daughter is in preschool and is crazy about books and movies where animals talk.  She is especially fond of rodents (by definition a rodent is a mammal whose incisors do not stop growing), and particularly mice.  While I was looking for a book by Judy Blume at the library, my eyes were immediately attracted to a book by another "B" author, Emily Bearn, which on the thick spine had a drawing of two mice in clothing!  I've been looking for a chapter book to read to my daughter, and this one, which is written at the 2nd-4th grader reading level, turned out to be perfect!

Mr. and Mrs. Nutmouse live in the broom cupboard of Rose Cottage in Nutmouse Hall.  They enjoy the quiet life in their mansion.  Despite the fact that there is a banquet room, billiard room, and a ballroom -- 36 rooms in all -- Mr. Nutmouse prefers to spend the evening reading with his feet up by the fireplace and Mrs. Nutmouse cooking or sewing.  Tumtum (as Mr. Nutmouse is called because he has a bit of a tummy) and Nutmeg (called so because her fur is that color) would probably have lived out their days quietly.  However, they occasionally scamper into Rose Cottage, and find that the family there is not doing well at all.  The widower Mr. Mildew is such an absent-minded inventor that his house is in total disarray.  And so Nutmeg's maternal instincts kick in, and she and Tumtum begin to watch over the children, Lucy and Arthur.  They never dreamed that so many adventures would come to them because of this!

Three books are contained in this volume.  In the first, "Tumtum & Nutmeg", the Nutmouses secretly begin to tidy up the house, darn holes in socks, and occasionally rest in Lucy's dollhouse.  The children find traces of it being inhabited, and a letter-writing relationship between Nutmeg and the children is established in which she calls herself "a fairy of sorts".  When evil Aunt Ivy comes to visit, the Nutmouse family faces extermination, and so General Marchmouse rallies the troops and they hasten her departure from Rose Cottage, as she was making the children miserable as well.  The method they use to do so... well, without giving the story away, let me just say that it had my husband and daughter busting a gut from laughing so much!

In "The Great Escape", General Marchmouse, who is retired and longing for adventure, comes to visit the Nutmouses.  Arthur and Lucy's toys are too much for him to resist, and he goes from creating mock battles in the attic with toy soldiers to being held prisoner in a cage with naked gerbils at school!!  And finally, "The Pirates' Treasure" finds our dear Nutmouses secretly joining the children on a camping trip as Nutmeg is worried about them.  Then General Marchmouse shows up -- everyone roll your eyes, because you know an unwanted adventure is about to begin -- and the mice find themselves stealing Arthur's toy boat, crashing it into the newly named Marchmouse Island, and using their wits (and some help from the children) to escape from the pirate Rats!

As soon as we finished the book (503 pages in all), my daughter wanted me to immediately start reading it again.  There were some parts in the book that were very intense for her.  She is a VERY sensitive 4-year old, and the threat of death was in each story. Consequently we read for a long time some nights, so she wouldn't go to bed upset. But if your child is in the publisher's recommended age range, no worries.  My husband enjoyed listening to it as well, cozying up on the couch with us each evening.  He even mentioned that he was impressed with some of the vocabulary used in it as well.

The illustrations in the book are just lovely in black and white and add a rustic feel to this English import.  As for myself, I'm not a fan of the talking-animal genre... but it won me over as well!  I'm going to add this one to our home library.

Other chapter books about mice you might enjoy:   

Learn More:

  •  Tumtum & Nutmeg Official Website:  Learn more about the world of Tumtum & Nutmeg.  Visit the gallery to see illustrations from the book.  Check out the chapter sampler read a bit of the book online.  Nutmeg shares her favorite recipes with you, and there are some fun pages to print as well.

  • Calico Critters:  These are ADORABLE little figures!  They have two mice families, the Norwood Mouse Family (pictured) and the Milky Mouse Family, and they can live in Cloverleaf Manor (among other fashionable toy houses).  The furniture they come with -- wow -- it's so cute!  There are all sorts of accessories that I am sure Nutmeg would use in her kitchen.  You could totally pretend you've got your own Nutmouse family!!  Of course, there are also squirrel, bunnies, chipmunks, etc etc -- but we ARE reading a book about mice!  Good for hours and hours of fun!  (I threw a few of these items into my store -- there are a TON more at Amazon!)